autodesk Sharing makes us stronger. Sharing makes us stronger. Join us on June 22th, 2021 at 1.00 p.m. (CMT +2) and discover the power of this team. If you are already registered, Enter your email to log in Email:* LOGIN Please enter a correct email address. REDHAT_COPENHAGUEN_Registro REGISTER Name:* Last Name:* Email:* Favorite Color:* favorite color Red Blue Green Favorite Song:* Favorite shape:* favorite shape Triangle Square Circle PRIVACY STATEMENT * I have read and accept AUTODESK Privacy Statement *. El registro y comunicación del evento se realizan en la plataforma, gestionada por Globb Televisión, S.L., cuyos datos figuran en PRIVACITY POLICY * and LEGAL NOTICE * I have read and accept the privacy policy and legal notice of GLOBB Televisión, S.L. *. P.S.:In a few days, a box of beer or olive oil will be delivered to your home if you are based in Belarus, Jordan or Dubai. It’s all part of the experience. If it’s beer, chill it in your fridge until the day of the event. If it’s olive oil, store it in a cool place. REGISTER Live broadcast NAME THE TEAM? To access the tasting click HERE